Do you believe in spiritual awakenings and psychic abilities? If yes, then you might already have come across the idea of children with unique and special characteristics.

Noticed how we were always amazed by the mysteries of the world that we end up searching about all the unknowns just to feed our curiosity yet often times we disregard that mankind is as enigmatic as this planet too. Each person is undoubtedly unique in his very own way, but there are few selected individuals who were sent to this world with a much higher purpose than most people.

The earliest of the mysteriously gifted children are the so-called Indigo children. Indigo Children was first conceptualized by San Diego parapsychologist Nancy Anne Tapp in the 1970s. Indigo children share characteristics that incorporate a strong calling to make the world a better place. They have an innate knowledge and unique perspectives upon doing things. They tend to be non-conformists and dislike the idea following the rules of authority figures. Most importantly, they have this genuine love for nature, animals, and plants. Indigos are instinctive, strong-willed and exceptionally delicate. They have continuously felt different and here “for a purpose” though they still don't know the reason yet. Their common traits are creative, rebellious, emotional, intuitive, and skilled.

Crystal children are said to be the offspring of Indigo Children. They commonly have a piercing gaze and are sensitive both mentally and physically. Crystal Children were born between 1990-2010 and sometimes earlier. They come to bring love, peace, and teaching of unity. They mostly have the gifts of clairvoyance and healing, thus their aura appeared to be octarine in color, which is not always visible to the human eye. Eventually, Crystal Children was here teach us how to normally see the creation of wonders, to honor our planet as well as ourselves, and to live within the present moment, without worries of the past or the future. They show us how to live from our heart, to forgive, and to be objective. Their common traits are long-lasting relationships, love for music, sensitivity to small things, calming presence, and good at meditation.

Rainbow children were the offspring of Crystal Children and were said to be born in year 2000. They are born with a tremendous heart and bring delight and harmony to their families. Negative feelings don’t affect them as much as they are rapidly able to recuperate. They are psychic and can study people’s sentiments. They are most normally drawn to color. These children also have unique characteristics. They don’t fear anything and know precisely where their security lies. Some say you will experience divinity just by looking into their eyes. As they are mostly in the toddler stage, not much is known about the yet. Rainbow Children are exceptionally creative. They have a solid persona, are high in energy, and can effortlessly manifest anything. Their common traits are very loving and generous, mostly in their world, tendency to care for others, can withstand hardship and are very brave, and prefer being telepathic. Rainbow Children are born with no karma, consequently living a life with no strings connected to their previous life.
Interesting isn't it? Indeed the universe has a vast incomprehensible creation. You might be one of these children, you never know.
Have a safe pleasant night everyone!