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Bedtime Wonders

  • Writer's pictureHanne Aina Fuentes

Hi Friend

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

It's late and I should really be sleeping,

but it's a beautiful night, so silent and calming.

When days are great when days are a mess.

At night I seek solace by feeling its embrace.

My friend, the moon so bright.

The stars, glittering in the night.

Sometimes hidden, mostly bright.

I know you're always there by my side.

The Moon is my friend. It knows me the most. It knows my happiest and my saddest. I find comfort and peace just watching it above. It’s mesmerizing and mysterious, makes me want to know its secrets.

Back when I was young, I did not pay attention to it. Growing up, I found myself appreciating it more. The Moon, the stars, and the night sky is beautiful. I once went to a place that barely had lights, and I saw the beauty of the night sky. It was beyond what I imagined. It was like the photos I see online; I had no words.

Someday when I have the time, I want to have a little camping trip in the mountains with my friends; I want to experience seeing the night sky in the mountains. How would that make me feel? What thoughts would wander in my head? I want to lie down in a grassy field and stare at the sky and be at peace, be me in comforting silence. I hope that moment happens soon. That would be a memorable experience for me and hopefully, for the people, I am with.

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